Buffyverse Wiki
Buffyverse Wiki

These are source books, templates. I use them to call forth material in our archives.
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce[src]

The Wolfram & Hart source books were volumes that served both as conduits and templates for any text stored in the Wolfram & Hart database. The content would appear on the blank pages by holding any of the volumes and pronouncing the title or theme of choice.[1][2][3]

Known examples of archived texts used in the source books were the Devandiré Sibylline Codex,[1] the Xiochimayan Codex,[2] the Saitama Codex,[3] the Dreadhost's Compendium of Immortal Leeches, and A Little Princess.[4] Requested themes were: "all pre-Christian works dealing with the demon age; same for Primordium, index any mention of the Old Ones"[5] and "Boretz demons: classifications and case histories."[6]


