Buffyverse Wiki
Buffyverse Wiki
Btvs Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is conjectural.

A hell dimension was populated by the zealots, the demon worshipers of Jasmine, who reigned as goddess in this dimension before trying to do the same on Earth.[1]

One zealot succeeded in leaving the dimension and traveled to the sewers of Los Angeles, where he attempted to perform a ritual that would draw Jasmine's attention. The creature briefly captured Wesley, who learned that the creature relied heavily on the magic of the name, allowing him to realize that Jasmine had a name in the other world that would have power over her. Although Wesley was able to open the portal to the creature's realm, only Angel could enter that dimension, as the atmosphere on the other side was toxic to humans.[2]

Having entered this dimension, Angel faced the Guardian of the Word and the Keeper of the Name in Her Most Blessed Temple. The Keeper had its lips sealed to ensure that it would only speak Jasmine's name with its last breath. Angel beheaded it and returned the head with him to Los Angeles, exposing Jasmine once her true name was spoken.[1]


