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Shapeshifting was the ability to change one's own physical form at will. The effect could range from minor alterations in appearance[1] to assuming the form of a different species.[2] Some demons possessed this ability naturally,[3] while other beings could use magic to change their form.[4]

While shapeshifting referred to the actual change in one's anatomy, this was not the case for distortions in perception, such as in glamours[5] and hypnosis.[6] Changing the form of another being or object was known as transmogrification.[7]



  • Vampires had the inherent ability to morph their face between their human appearance and their predatory "vamp face."[1] By the 23rd century, most vampires had forgotten about this ability.[8]
  • The She-Mantis manifested a human disguise that concealed her larger mantis-like form.[9]
  • Vengeance demons could conceal their demonic form by assuming the skin texture from their previous human appearance.[10]
  • Hans and Gretta Strauss was the name a large tusked creature assumed when it disguised itself as two human children.[4]
  • Ano-Movic demons could shift their appearance to disguise themselves as humans.[11]
  • Deevak[12]
  • Sahjhan[13]
  • Wraith-er demons were capable of assuming human form. With time, they gradually reverted to their demonic visage and become more violent as well.[3]
  • Despite her human appearance, Lissa reverted fully to her demonic form in death.[14]
  • Ken was a thricewise who disguised his demonic appearance to live as a human in college.[15]
  • Courtesan demons could shift into their human appearance, concealing their wings, horns, tail, and crimson skin.[16]
  • New vampires had new abilities that included turning into a giant bat, panther, wolf, bee swarm, and mist.[17] Buffy later limited their shapeshifting powers to nighttime.[18]


  • The half-Brachen demons Doyle and Rieff's mother pretended to be human in order not to attract attention in human society. While in their demonic form, they would become stronger[19] and their senses keener.[20]
  • Whistler could shift between his human appearance to a demonic appearance, becoming taller, growing horns, and glowing a blue fire.[21]
  • Mal Fraser could shift from his mostly human appearance to manifest horns and wings.[22]



  • The avenging spirit Hus could turn into a flock of crows, a coyote, and a bear.[29]
  • While werewolves commonly transformed into a lupine creature every month without their will,[30] some werewolves such as Oz, Bayarmaa, and Monroe trained enough to control the transformation and shapeshift at will.[31]
  • The First Evil could manifest assuming the appearance of any individual who had died.[32]
  • While reincarnated in the body of Fred, Illyria could shift from her bluer appearance into recreating Fred's skin, hair, and clothing at will.[33][34]

