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Five Seasons of Angel: Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Discuss Their Favorite Vampire is an unofficial nonfiction book on Buffy Studies. Edited by Glenn Yeffeth, it was published by BenBella Books on October 1, 2004.


Miss Angel?

This collection of essays from fans who also happen to be big name authors and specialists in their fields (including New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Crusie, Last Unicorn author Peter Beagle, Buffy author Nancy Holder, Angel gaffer Dan Kerns, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro and many others) explore the constellation of characters and themes created in the popular Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off.

Topics include Angelus as the prototypical high school bully, Angel as victim, how Spike fits into Angel, why Jasmine was so scary, a sex expert's take on Angel's psyche and Lindsey's moral center.[1]


  1. "Five Seasons of Angel." BenBella Books. Retrieved on February 20, 2019.