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Btvs This article is about a subject whose real name is unknown, being identified only by a title, nickname, or alias.

Oh swell. It’s the White Hats.
Xander Harris[src]

White Hats was the term used by vampires to refer to the group of vampire hunters, counterpart of the Scooby Gang in the Wishverse alternative timeline.


The group traveled around by van and were armed with crosses to repel the vampires. Though they were meant to undermine the Order of Aurelius, the White Hats lacked enough resources to actually hurt them, and the Order viewed them as little more than a nuisance. Though Willow and Xander were repelled by the White Hats’ crosses, the group seemed to show little ability to slay vampires, who all kept their distance from the vampires and fled after rescuing Cordelia from being attacked.

With an alliance with Buffy Summers, the White Hats were able to attack the Order of Aurelius and slays a number of vampire. Despite their apparent defeat, with the death of the Slayer in the hands of the Master, Giles was able to end the Wishverse, and therefore the vampire domain. He shattered the Symbol of Anyanka, which undid all that happened as a result of Cordelia’s wish, and left Anyanka as a powerless human.[1]


Behind the Scenes

  • The nickname is a reference to Western genre, which movies symbolized heroes in white hats and villains in black hats.


  • "The Wish"
  • "Doppelgangland" (Only in archive montage)

